The Best Software For Group Retreats
Group retreat leaders save many admin hours every week by trusting the YouLi software to process bookings, automate tasks, and manage communications related to the trip.

Becoming The Retreat Specialist

Liesel Albrecht has 22 plus years of experience running summits, conferences, and retreats, but she started as a social worker in Traralgon, Australia. During her career, she often organized group events to support social impact. Helping people has been in her blood forever.
A transformational trip with her two sons and several "A-ha" moments when traveling around the world have led Liesel to found a company that combines her passion for helping people with her love for retreats: Retreats At Resorts.
Today Liesel Albrecht works with entrepreneurs, mentors, practitioners, business owners, and everyone in between who wants to run a profitable and life-changing retreat. Liesel specializes in marketing, social media, budgeting, planning and counseling skills. She runs training sessions in the US, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
Liesel's biggest event yet - The Ultimate Girls Week Away Retreat in Fiji - aims to bring together 300 participants and over 30 facilitators for dozens of workshops, talks, panel discussions, healing spaces, and a world-renowned writer. The author of many books including "Eat, Pray, Love" Elizabeth Gilbert (cover image) is a TED Talks speaker and a social movement leader.
I love that I get to do the thing I am meant to be here to do. Through Retreats, I get to support women to walk the path of their destiny. Just for a moment, they get to totally reconnect with who they are and who they want to be,Fmagi and once that connection is made the ripple effects are long-lasting. - Liesel Albrecht
Retreats at Resorts started from one small event with the goal to improve life and help develop young adults in the community of a small town where Liesel's parents retired to. Besides sports, there was nothing for them to do, so Liesel decided to use her experience to run Leadership Retreats. She started looking for connections in the area and has partnered with several not-for-profits.
One retreat led to another. Participants kept referring their friends for a transformational experience, more facilitators joined, and the community grew into an international network with retreats around the world.
Liesel leads many workshops herself, and hosts space for others to share their gifts.
The Ultimate Girls Week Away with Elizabeth Gilbert
The idea is simple. People are looking for transformations in their life. They want to relate, to speak freely, to feel support of the community, and simply remember who they are.
Modern city life does not dedicate space for communal practices the way they used to be organized in the villages. Retreats, on the other hand, are designed for healing, relaxation and community gatherings. Retreats At Resorts combines the best of both worlds into purpose-driven events. The talents of the facilitator make it into a unique experience. Then the magic happens.
Today Liesel not only organizes retreats with social impact, she is also an active member of the community. Liesel hosts multiple sessions coaching group leaders on how to facilitate immersive healing retreats. Part of the profits are donated to local charities supporting development in the area.

The Ultimate Girls Week Away Retreat is an event that challenges organizers to the core. The logistics, invoicing and communications at that scale have to be streamlined. No email searches for the right receipt, no double-entries, yet supreme customer experience - the hard work stays behind the scene.
Liesel has picked YouLi booking & travel management software for its simplicity - all documents about the event and the participants in one place with structured folders and a global search.
How YouLi Software Empowers Retreats at Resorts
YouLi helps you reduce abandoned cart, market and manage bookings all in one place.
The key is in predicting what an adventurer will need on their journey, and minimizing documents delay to maximize the immersion effect
Document management saves time updating travelers – once uploaded, new information is instantly available to all participants
A pre-set sequence of tasks sends an automated reminder to each traveler exactly when it’s needed. As a result travelers pretty much “manage themselves”
YouLi is a white-label solution, so the pages are branded according to our client's choice to maintain a professional look and status. Stylish landing pages assure an appealing presentation of each trip.
Liesel can always get the support she needs by connecting to one of the YouLi support team members.